English language arts

A level Language and technology
A little prompt sheet for Language and technology. Could be used for paper 1 or paper 2- Language Change. Links to some great articles.

AQA English Language GCSE summary of questions handout
My Y11 middle ability were becoming confused by which questions were on each paper. I made them a summary for them to put in their folders and refer back to. I am aware that there is more information that could potentially go on here, however I wanted it to be concise as it meets the needs of my students in this case.

My Last Duchess- Browning
The PP includes two detailed PPs on My Last Duchess. One for HA and MA, one for LA and EAL.

Our Day Out detailed Powerpoint-Willy Russell
A large PP on Our Day Out Willy Russell. Used with Y8 but flexible. Includes assessments.

An Inspector Calls Catchphrase- 2 games to help students remember quotations
Inspector Calls catchphrase quizzes to help MA-LA students remember key quotes.

A Level Phonological Change-Theories, Eye Dialect,Estuary English
Hand outs, activities, links to articles to practice directed writing.

AQA English Language Paper 1A- Focus on gothic horror.
This PP was used over a week with Y9 students as an introduction to 19C literature. The unit looked at skills needed for both the language and literature exam.
There is a mixture of individual and group work.
Extracts are available from the AQA KS3 19C resources pack, available from their website under teaching resources.

Priestly's message An Inspector Calls Writer's Intention- new AQA lit
Differentiated card sort looking at Priestly's message. Students can choose the basic match activity or one with a gap fill. Students must match cards with character.
Grid to be printed on A3.

VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) triangles wall display
VCOP triangles wall display. Can also be laminated as placemats.

War Photographer Duffy AQA conflict poetry
Collection of activities on the poem War Photographer by Carol Duffy

KS5 English Language Child Language Acquisition (developing language) sentence opener card.
Sentence opener cards for Child Language Acquisition. Laminate and use in class to help students improve their answers.

The character of Fred- A Christmas Carol
Worksheet with a range of short activities considering the character of Fred.

A Level English Language Revision Clock Paper 1 7701
Revision clock activity from another user, tailored to focus on English Language A Level paper 1.

War Poetry KS3
A collection of resources used for mainly KS3 but also low ability KS4.
Poems include:
Dulce et Decorum est
Skyman- Kops
Who's for the game

AQA English Languge A level Y13 revision suggestion helpsheet/countdown
Guide to direct students through their revision in the run up to the A Level exams.

Creating characters and atmosphere (vocabulary)
Powerpoint focusing on using vocabulary to improve story writing. Used with Y8-10 successfully.